Beware Of Fake Mao Shan Wang Durian Sellers In Singapore; Basic Knowledge & An Honest Seller Your Best Defense

It is the durian season in Singapore and durian aficionados pay good money to bite into the luxurious succulent durian flesh. Singaporeans do not bat an eyelid shelling out hundreds of dollars for the famed Mao Shan Wang (MSW) which leaves a rich bitter sweet taste on first bite.

It has however come to the Editor’s attention that dishonest durian sellers have been peddling fake lower quality durians as the top-grade MSW durians. These unethical sellers prey on buyers lack of knowledge and make a dishonest killing in the process.

One such durian aficionado Mr Tony Boey was outraged when he saw poor quality durians being passed off as MSW at a princely sum of $18 per kilogram. He spotted this dishonest durian seller in the Bugis vicinity but stopped short of naming and shaming.

In case you are unable to view Tony’s sharing, we have republished his warning here.

“Saw some fake mao shan wang today. “I can give you a discount ” were the seller’s first words to me. I walked away. Your best defense is some basic knowledge and a honest durian seller.”

Durian lovers out there, play it smart while getting your durian fix. For the money you pay, make sure you are not being ripped off with poor quality durians or durians of other variants which you can get for much cheaper elsewhere.

To these durian scammers out there, your customers will not always remain stupid, if you persist in such dishonest practices, your business is bound to fail. It is a matter of time.

DishonestDurianFake DurianMao Shan WangMSWScam
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