Low Income Workers To Get What They Worked For After CPF Clawed Back Unpaid Contributions From Errant Employers

The CPF is supposed to help Singaporeans fund their housing, medical and retirement needs, but there are errant employers who deliberately withhold CPF payments from their workers.

It does not help that the most vulnerable are usually the lower income employees. There have been instances where employees had to chase their employers for CPF payments and this behaviour is sadly becoming more common.

To lower income employees, it could make a big difference of whether they can make their mortgage repayments or afford medical treatments. Employers who fail to see the importance of their CPF contributions and are guilty of withholding these payments should be punished for their lack of responsibility. It is downright wrong to take advantage of workers who are already at a disadvantage.

Luckily for some, the CPF board has been aware of the situation and managed to claw back unpaid CPF contributions from errant employers. It clawed back nearly $600 million last year alone and a total of more than $2.7 billion over the past 5 years.

Although the situation will not be resolved so quickly, it is good that the CPF board is keeping tabs on errant employers. Hopefully this move will make employers become more aware and realize that they must give workers what they are entitled to and never take them for granted.

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