Rachel Lim Shares Why She Kept Forgiving Boyfriend for Physically Abusing Her, Wants Women Who Suffer in Silence to be Brave and Step Out

Speaking to reporters in an interview, 27-year-old Rachel Lim En Hui speaks out on why she kept forgiving her then boyfriend 35-year-old Locum Clarence Teo Shun Jie for physically abusing her repeatedly.

According to Rachel, she grew up in a rather erratic household, where she was sometimes pampered like a princess, and at times physically abused.

Rachel said that this was how her then boyfriend Clarence Teo had been treating her throughout their relationship. In one moment, he would treat her like a princess in a fairy tale, and the next he would be physically abusing her.

Overtime, she grew attached to her boyfriend, and found it difficult to leave him, and it became a vicious cycle of abuse and pampering that she had to endure. 

Rachel was since undergone psychological counselling, and now has a new boyfriend. She now shares her experiences on her blog in hopes of helping other girls with similar experiences.

Rachel says that every girl deserves to be loved, cared for, and respected. If a person gets physically violent with you just because they are angry, that person does not love you.

Yesterday (24th Jun), Rachel’s story was shared by PAVE (family violence specialist centre) in a Facebook post, which calling Rachel a SURVIVOR. PAVE is ready to offer help to all women facing violence in their relationships, and hopes that they will be brave enough to step out.

clarence teo shun jiePAVEphysical violencerachel lim en huiSingapore
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