Water Sprinklers in KPE Tunnel Malfunction, Netizens Rejoice Over Getting Free Car Wash

The weather can get really hot in Singapore, particularly in certain months, when temperatures can get scorching hot, that most people would prefer to just stay in their aircon offices.

However, motorists travelling in the KPE tunnel today was treated to a “cool” surprise, when the sprinklers in the tunnel malfunctioned, and started spraying water at full capacity.

A 32 second video of the this bizarre incident has since gone viral on WhatsApp and Facebook, which shows a long queue of vehicles stopping just before a very thick curtain of water.

Judging from the signage in the video, this surprise water curtain likely occurred just after exit 5 Fort Road towards ECP Changi.

While the situation seem chaotic, netizens were all too happy to respond by saying that the motorists were lucky to get a free car wash, while riders got a free shower, by compliments of PUB who would likely be footing the water bill.

Looks like life in Singapore can get really exciting indeed.

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