Woman Accuses Man of Staring at Her Breast in Sengkang Gym, Refuse to Believe that Man Had Cross-Eye Condition

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Just a few days ago, a woman made the news when she recorded a video of a man at the gym, whom she accused of ogling at her while she was working out. The video which was posted on TikTok by the woman under username @Michxlim, had since made its way round social media. Apparently, the woman not only accused the man of lustfully starring at her, but also made sarcastic comments on his unhygienic touching of his nose.

Apparently, this was not the first time that the woman had been wrongly accusing men of starring at her with lustful intentions. According to a tip-off sent by a reader, this Michelle Lim had previously gotten into an altercation with a fellow gym user at another gym outlet in Sengkang.

The reader, who says that he is a friend of a man who was accused by Michelle Lim of staring at her breast, was forcefully escorted out of the gym premises as a result. The reader added that his friend has a genetic condition called strabismus (also known as cross-eyed), makes him look as if he is staring at something when he is really not.

The reader said that even after explaining his friend’s condition to the woman, she refused to accept it, and threatened to call the police unless the reader’s friend was thrown out of the gym.

The reader wants everyone to be wary of this woman, Michelle Lim, who seems to have some psychological disorder, and seems to think every guy out there is lustfully targeting her. “She should go see a doctor for her mental condition!, She is not even that pretty! why would anyone want to lust after her?”

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