Sudhir Vadaketh in Oxley eBook: My Friends Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Suet Fern Are Innocent!

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Even when the public has grown tired of the Oxley saga, activist Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh thought it was a good idea to write an entire eBook about it, with much of his “research” coming directly from his friends Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Suet Fern. One can only wonder what his real motivations for reopening discussions on this topic are.

Sudhir’s ties with the Lees

Right from the beginning of his book, Sudhir the writer himself admitted that his account is going to be biased because he knows Lee Hsien Yang, Lee Suet Fern and their son Li Huanwu personally. In fact Sudhir has posted pictures of himself having meals with them together on social media.

It is no secret that Sudhir is close to that side of the Lee family and his decision to write the Oxley piece based on consultation with Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Suet Fern will definitely lead to a “slanted narrative” – in his own words.

So why write a warped story and pass it off as a piece that has been deeply researched and will give the public “clarity” about what really happened? What is he trying to achieve by confusing readers?

My friends Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Suet Fern were misjudged

Masquerading as an “explainer” piece, Sudhir selectively presents “evidence” which made it seem like Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Suet Fern stood to gain nothing from their actions surrounding the will and that they were only interested in faithfully discharging their filial duties and seeing to Lee Kuan Yew’s wishes.

Lee Hsien Yang, Sudhir writes, is not after the money even though he was surprised by how much Oxley was eventually valued at. Lee Suet Fern was merely carrying out her husband and father-in-law’s instructions honestly. Both of them had the purest of intentions or so Sudhir claims.

Whatever events that may have aroused suspicion about the motivations of the couple (e.g. inconsistent accounts given to the Court, the couple’s decision to exclude certain people from email correspondences, hurried circumstances and Lee Suet Fern’s errors), Sudhir explained them away as nothing unusual.

Sudhir dedicated a substantial part of the eBook to absolving Lee Suet Fern of any guilt or misconduct as found by the Court of Three Judges. Sudhir dismissed the errors found by the disciplinary tribunal as innocuous mistakes and attempted to show there was no misconduct on her part. He also claimed that the court exaggerated the penalty for minor errors on Lee Suet Fern’s part and that the government and the mainstream media were responsible for making her look bad.

On the one hand, Sudhir questions the integrity of the judicial system in their judgment of Lee Suet Fern. On the other hand, he declares in the earlier part of the eBook that this Oxley issue should have been left to the Courts to settle. So is he saying that the judicial system is fit to deal with the Oxley dispute but it’s judgment of Lee Suet Fern, Sudhir’s dear friend, cannot be trusted?

Bad call?

In a book filled with contradictions, ironies and partial evidence, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that it serves no purpose other than to cast the writer’s friends in a positive light and throw shade on their opponents.

Sudhir believes that the eBook will generate the credibility and attention he needs for his new site JOM. But is it actually boosting or undermining his credibility?

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