Singaporean Indian Lady Rants About Racism In Singapore

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One “Priya Darshini Perumal” took to facebook to complain about an allegedly racist encounter she had with a Chinese lady on the MRT train. According to Priya, the Chinese lady got up with her “nose closed” when Priya sat down beside her. Priya went on to rant about how the majority race has misconceptions about her race, often asking questions such as “how come u Indian so fair ah?”

She goes on to say that being Indian is a gift, as most Indians are blessed with large eyes, long eyelashes and nice features in general. She also took issue with people who criticised the Tamil language, adding that Tamil is a language rich in history which not everyone can master. In comparison, anyone can learn and speak English with little difficulty.

She also talked about how Indians love their curry, “but we don’t smell like one”. She added – “Do we say you smell like pork since u love to eat them? You’ve always acted like touching us would turn y’all into a black panther. In a world with developed science and tech , you seriously still believe in this? If you do, stop eating pork, it’s destroying your thinking process”.

She ended her post with more angry words about her encounter and racism in Singapore. You can read her post in full here. It has since gathered close to 1000 shares.

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