Local Motorcycle Dealer Uses Unscrupulous Sales Tactics on Man Trying to Repair his Scooter

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It was the 2nd day of Chinese New Year, when Steven experienced some mechanical issues with his scooter. The scooter was rattling when he accelerated and needed to have its clutch and transmission bearings to be replaced. The scooter was otherwise running well, and had no leaks.

The next morning, Steven decided to send his scooter to the service agent, Mah Pte Ltd, to have the repairs done. However, at around 5pm, a man named Alex called Steven, and told him that his scooter had serious problems, and asked him to come down to the workshop so that he may explain the issues.

When Steven arrived at the agent workshop, the service agent Alex asked how many years of COE does his scooter have left. The service  agent also told Steven that the scooter’s engine coolant was leaking, and had a leaking coolant pipe, and that he needed to have his engine replaced. Steven was quoted around $6000 to repair and replace the faulty parts.

It was at this point, that a sales agent appeared before Steven, who tried to convince him to buy a new motorcycle, instead of repairing it as it will cost too much to repair. It wasn’t until Steven told him that he has lost his job and had no money, did the sales agent decide to stop hounding him to buy a new scooter.

At this point, the service agent apparently rolled his eyes, and asked Steven what he wanted to do. Against the advice of the service agent, Steven insisted on repairing only the items that he initially wanted, and was charged $613.81. Steven repaired the coolant leaks himself with metal cement. While the scooter was able to run with no leaks, Steven realised that the scooter had lost a huge amount of power.

Steven later brought his scooter to another workshop Tai Hin, who replaced the clutch assembly, found that the agent workshop Mah Pte Ltd, had replaced an incorrect drive belt, causing the scooter to not run properly. Steven paid another $570 at Tai Hin to sort out those issues.

According to Steven, Mah Pte Ltd apparently offers a commission to its mechanics if they are able to sell new motorcycles. This was probably why the service agent was trying to get Steven to scrap his scooter and buy a new motorcycle, instead of getting it repaired. Steven thinks this is very unprofessional of the company to do this, and does not recommend anyone to go to Mah Pte Ltd.

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