Police Take Down Dangerous Knife Wielding Man Outside Clementi Police Station

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There are those who think that the Singapore Police Force (SPF) have a easy time, given that Singapore is a relatively safe country with low crime rates.

However, SPF officers still must be able to handle dangerous situations whenever it arises.

On Thursday night (17th Feb), police officers from the Clementi Neighbourhood Police Centre, in Clementi Avenue 5, were confronted by a man dangerously wielding a knife.

In a video posted late last night, SPF officers were forced to open fire at the man, after he charged at them with the knife. The man could be seen collapsing on the ground, before SPF officers rushed towards him.

According to the SPF, they arrested a 49-year-old man for criminal intimidation and voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon. It was gathered that the man had earlier assaulted a 41-year-old man with the knife at Block 420A Clementi Avenue 1, before boarding a taxi, and heading for the Clementi Neighbourhood Police Centre.

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