Foreign Workers From Shanghai Chong Kee Go On Strike Over Unpaid Salaries at AMK

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Foreign employees of construction company Shanghai Chong Kee held up placards in Chinese outside NCS Ang Mo Kio demanding their salaries to be paid.

One read “欠债还钱” or “owe money, pay money”.

Apparently, the workers have not been paid their salaries for three months. About five Bangladeshi/Indian-looking workers were seen standing in a line in front of a stationary lorry on the road holding up the placards which stated their company name “上海忠记私人有限公司” or  “Shanghai Chong Kee”.

The placards were probably from PRC construction workers.

While Shanghai Chong Kee may be an established company, it does not give it reason to act as a tyrant against foreign workers. With active projects and many subsidiaries in China, how Shanghai Chong Kee is treating its PRC workers in Singapore is really a shame.

The PRC workers may even feel that this is high-class Chinese bullying poor Chinese migrant workers.

Back in August 2018, the managing director of Shanghai Chong Kee, Tan Ken Huat was sentenced to nine months’ jail for bribing former RWS director Soh Yew Meng to further the business interest of the company with RWS.


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