SDP Urge More Donations To Legal Fund, Wants To Challenge By-Election In Halimah’s Vacated Marsiling Seat

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We want to thank the many of you who have donated to the legal fund regarding our taking the govt to court over its refusal to call a by-election in a GRC when a seat is vacated.

Some are of the opinion that it is a waste of time and that our effort will fail. We don’t fail when we don’t hit our target, we only fail when we stop trying.

Opposition MPs cannot stop legislation from being rammed down our throats. Should they stop wasting their time and not speak up during Parliamentary sessions?

But a court action is an expensive proposition, some say. Think about it, we’re paying $16,000 per MP per month to speak up. That’s a huge sum compared to the legal costs in this case.

Let’s not forget that this matter was calculated right from the word go. It was the PAP who decided that Mdm Halimah would be the minority candidate in Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC in the 2015 GE, changed the EP rules, took her out from the GRC to contest the EP, disqualified her opponents and proclaimed her the winner. Now it refuses to hold a by-election. Such machination must not go unchallenged.

Even if we mount a legal case and do not succeed, we would not have failed. Instead, we would have strengthened the process of making the govt justify its actions by answering our questions and charges. This is what accountability is all about.

To this end, if all of us pitch in and contribute what we can, however big or small the amount, then collectively we will be strong. So please donate and help us spread the word. Thank you. To donate, please click here: //


Original Post By Dr Chee Soon Juan (Leader of The Singapore Democratic Party)

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