My Workers are Isolated in their Dormitory & Everyday They Tell Me They’re Ok

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Almost 20,000 foreign workers had to be isolated in their dormitories after Singapore recorded a spike in COVID-19 cases a few days ago. Just what is it like to be living there now?

According to sources at Westlite Toh Guan, which is one of the two dormitories gazetted as isolation areas, the workers there seem to be generally ok and making do with the arrangement.

They are provided with three meals everyday. Each time their meal arrives, one person will be appointed to collect the food for their respective rooms.

An employer who has six workers living there makes it a point to check on them regularly. He asked them to update him three times a day on how they are doing and if they are facing any problems. He is relieved that all is well so far; one of the workers even told him that the food is good.

Workers there also get goodie bags to help them upkeep personal hygiene. The bags include hand sanitizers, masks and handwash. The dormitory management is working on getting more thermometers for everybody.

That being said, Westlite Toh Guan and other dormitories are still trying to better accommodate their workers. It may take some time to improve things but rest assured that it will happen and that we can all get through this together.

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