Terry Xu and TOC Should Apologise for Twisting the Truth Against SPF Officers Who Helped Elderly Woman

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On 25th May, socio-political website The Online Citizen (TOC) operated by Singaporean freedom fighter activist Terry Xu, published a video which attempted to highlight inaccuracies in the SPF’s 19th May statement which addressed claims of police officers bullying an elderly lady for not wearing her mask.

TOC claimed that four SPF officers were caught on video cornering an elderly lady for taking her mask off in public. In the 2min 13sec long video, TOC claimed that the police officers were reprimanding the elderly lady with a heightened voice, and refuted claims by the SPF that the police officers had bought food for the elderly lady and offered to help her find her way home. The video even challenged the SPF to release bodycam footage to reveal the truth of what happened that night.

In response to TOC’s allegations, the SPF decided to accept the challenge, and uploaded bodycam footage to show what really happened that night.

Firstly, the police officers had bought food from a nearby coffeeshop, as requested by the elderly woman, “two chicken wings, cut and add chilli. The auntie requested for it”, and personally delivered it to the elderly woman, and even offered to send the elderly woman home, “Come, let me bring you home”.

Secondly, the police officers were not reprimanding the elderly woman, but were informing the elderly woman’s domestic helper that the elderly woman did not put on her mask, “She never wear mask you know”, “You tell your ma’am”, “She go out ah, she never wear mask”.

For the sake of attracting viewership, both Terry Xu and TOC decided to villainize the four police officers who attempted to help a lost and hungry elderly woman. Terry Xu and TOC should unreservedly issue an official apology for shamelessly accusing the police officers of bullying the elderly woman. These police officers were doing their job, by attending to the elderly woman, whom they thought needed their assistance. To exploit this issue for their personal gain, by twisting the facts to throw shameless accusations against police officers for doing their duty for the community, is simply beyond despicable.

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