Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh Slams Brad Bowyer for Anti-mRNA Vaccine Statement, Wants PSP to Repudiate his Statement

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Last week, Singaporean activist Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh took to Facebook to express his disappointment with Progress Singapore Party’s (PSP) Brad Bowyer for his anti-mRNA vaccine statements.

In a post made on his Facebook profile, Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh said that Brad Bowyer had crossed the line between fair skepticism and anti-vaxxer hysteria with his anti-vax hysteria stirring statements, and allusions to Nazi Germany.

To top it off, Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh has even said that he has decided to “unfriend” Brad Bowyer on Facebook, after sending Brad Bowyer a message about why he was decided to do this.

In addition, Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh has even written to the leadership of PSP (i.e. Tan Cheng Bock), telling them to publicly repudiate Brad Bowyer’s statements while clarifying the PSP’s position on Singapore’s vaccination drive.

The actions of Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh obviously show that he is someone who is very autocratic, a person who is unaccepting of the views or opinions of others which differ from his own.

In this instance, not only does Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh not accept differing opinions, he also goes as far as forcing a political party like PSP to be uniformly obedient like the PAP. Just how hypocritical can a person be?

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