Hawker Stall Owner Who Lost Everything in Tampines Coffeeshop Fire, Manages to Raise $12,000 in less than 24 hours from Public Donations

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59-year old Mr Koh who decided to run his own hawker food stall during the COVID-19 pandemic, lost his stall and equipment in a blazing fire that happened  last week (7th Aug) at a coffeeshop located at Block 823A Tampines Street 81.

Not wanting her father’s business to just close down, Mr Koh’s 29-year-old daughter went online to help her father raise funds, so that his hawker stall can continue to operate. Within 24 hours, Mr Koh’s daughter managed to raise the required $12,000 needed for Mr Koh to continue his hawker stall business through Give.asia, a free fundraising platform.

According to Mr Koh’s daughter, her father had taken a bold move to start his own business about 10 months ago after leaving his job at a Ramen restaurant. Since then, her father has been working 6 days a week from 5am till late at night.

Mr Koh’s family was very touched by the generosity and kindness of the public, when the required amount of $12,000 was raised within a day. Mr Koh is elated that he is able to continue running his hawker stall.

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