Uncle Sets Fire at Condominium After Being Dumped by 20-year-old China Bar Hostess on Valentines Day

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We are all too familiar with that unrequited love, or that special someone who could not reciprocate the feelings we have for them.

While most of us would normally move on, this 42-year-old uncle decided to take extreme measures after being dumped on Valentine’s Day.

42-year-old Teo got to know a 20-year-old bar hostess from China, while drinking with some friends at a pub.

Teo who fell madly in love with the young bar hostess, professed his feelings for her one night, and decided to treat her like his girlfriend. However, the bar hostess did not acknowledge his feelings for her.

On the eve of Chinese Valentine’s day (6th August), Teo called the bar hostess over the phone, and told her that he wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with her. The bar hostess refused, which upset Teo.

Teo later went to the pub to look for the bar hostess, but was enraged when she ignored him, and got to know that she had plans to spend Valentine’s Day with another man.

That night, Teo decided to turn up at the bar hostess’s home at City Square Residences. Teo managed to gain entry into the condominium by showing the security guards a fake resident access card.

As the bar hostess ignored his calls, Teo decided to set fire to the condominium’s lift lobby, in hopes that she would be forced to evacuate, and that he would be able to finally see her.

While Teo successfully forced the condominium’s residents to evacuate, he did not manage to see the bar hostess. Teo’s incredulous plan was captured on CCTV. He was arrested shortly after when the police arrived at the scene.

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