Car Crashes Into Lamp Post Before Stopping On Pedestrian Walkway, Three Men Seen Escaping From the Wreckage

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A car crashes into a lamp post, before smashing its way onto the pedestrian walkway. Three men from the car were seen escaping from the accident scene.

This incident happened this morning (16 Mar), near Block 670 Hougang Ave 4.

26-year-old Hong who lived nearby, said he heard a loud banging sound, and went to his window to investigate. Hong saw that a black Mitsubishi Lancer had knocked over a lamp post, and had landed on a grass patch right outside his block.

Hong added that, shortly after the car crash, he saw three men getting out of the vehicle wreck, and making their way up the stairs towards the housing block.

Reporters arriving at the scene said that the police were already gathering evidence from the car wreck.

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