Good Samaritans Help 90-Year-Old Ice Cream Seller Tout For Customers Everyday for Weeks

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A 90-year-old man has been braving the weather, no matter how rainy or hot, to sell ice cream to in order to support himself.

The 90-year-old man known as Uncle Huang (Ng), would set up his mobile stall outside Sim Lim Tower everyday at 11am, and leave only after he finishes selling his ice cream for the day, at around 7pm.

Five members of the public who witnessed this, decided to help the 90-year-old man known as Uncle Huang, by touting for customers everyday.

The person who came up with this idea, was a 58-year-old food blogger Mr Lai. Over the past few weeks, Mr Lai and his friends have been taking turns to help Uncle Ng tout for more business outside Sim Lim Tower.

According to Mr Lai, there were friends of his who bought sticks of ice cream from Uncle Ng, and gave them to the tissue paper sellers at Chinatown, while another friend of his bought 500 sticks of ice cream as a show of support.

Apart from helping Uncle Ng in his business, the group of five, also helped buy lunch for Uncle Ng.


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