Malaysia’s Economic Minister Azmin Ali Fabricates HSR Meeting With S’pore Officials; Claims Of Positive Meeting Refuted By MOT Singapore

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The KL-Singapore HSR saga has taken yet another twist after Malaysia’s Economic Affairs Minister touted to the Malaysian media that he met with senior Singapore officials over the HSR during his personal visit to Singapore. He went one futher when he described the purported meetings over the HSR as positive.

However in truth, the Ministry of Transport Singapore clarified that no such meeting between Azmin Ali or any high ranking Singapore officials took place regarding the HSR issue. Azmin also added that a formal meeting over the HSR would be planned in August this year, but till today no formal notification had been given by the Malaysia side to the Singapore Govt.

These fabricated meetings and unhelpful announcements make the situation potentially awkward for both sides when they eventually meet to discuss the hamstrung HSR project.

An MOT spokesman made the following clarification after Azmin Ali’s public comments:

“As of 6 August 2018, the Malaysian Government has not provided the clarifications sought by Singapore and has not communicated their proposed dates for such discussions.”

With a new and supposedly clean government in place, it is little wonder why such inconsistencies and inaccurate statements are being made to the Malaysia public.

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