IKEA Glass Display Explodes Without Warning, Shattered Glass Nearly Injures Wife and Child

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Yesterday (15th June), Facebook user Ady Yusri shared that two of his IKEA glass display cabinet that he bought a while ago, suddenly exploded.

In a 39 second video he uploaded of the incident, shattered glass could be seen everywhere. Ady was still carefully cleaning up the area of the shattered glass, and told viewers that the explosion caught him off guard.

Apparently, the glass display cabinet Detolf which he bought barely 3 years ago, exploded suddenly without warning. Ady said that his wife and child had moved away from that area barely 30 seconds ago, and that it was fortunate that they were not hurt by the exploding glass.

It was gathered that the particular model of glass display cabinet called the Detolf is still being sold by IKEA at $69.

Ady wants to warn others who have purchased this product from Ikea to be careful and check for any product recalls.

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