Teen Injured While Hiking in Clementi Forest, SCDF Paramedics Walk 2 km with Stretcher to Rescue Him

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A family of three decided to go hiking on National Day (9th Aug) at a forest in the evening. During the hike, the couple’s 17-year-old son got injured and was unable to walk. Desperate for help, the couple decided to call the police for help.

As the family of three were located at a densely forested area near Clementi, the SCDF ambulance was unable to drive through. In order to rescue the teenager, SCDF paramedics had to hike a 2 kilometer trail with a stretcher, and walk the same distance back with the teenager.

Reporters arriving at the scene at around 8.30pm, saw that the injured teenager was already being sent to the hospital for treatment.

When interviewed, the SCDF said that they received a distress call at around 6pm yesterday, that a person was injured in the Clementi forest. Responding to the call, Bukit Batok Fire Station dispatched four firefighters and one paramedic to the scene.

The injured teenager was sent to Ng Teng Fong Hospital for treatment.

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