SCDF Rescues Elderly Woman Whose Hand Got Stuck in Meat Grinder Machine

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As many Singaporeans would know, Ho Kee Bak Chang is known for its famous Bak Chang (Rice Dumplings), which many were willing to queue hours for just to buy.

However, yesterday (24th Aug), the SCDF responded to a call for assistance at Ho Kee Bak Chang’s main outlet at Bukit Merah at around 2pm.

It was gathered that a 70-year-old woman’s hand got stuck in a meat grinding machine, as she was preparing the ingredients to make rice dumplings.

SCDF officers arriving at the scene, managed to take the machine apart and save the elderly woman’s arm.

A staff member of the Ho Kee Bak Chang who wished to remain anonymous, said that her colleague’s right arm got stuck in the meat grinding machine, and they weren’t able to pry her free. Desperate for help, the staff member decided to call the SCDF for assistance.


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