PSP Whistblower – PSP Leaders Can’t Be Trusted, Spend More Time At Country Club Than Saving Party

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The Progress Singapore Party (PSP) garnered public goodwill by virtue of being Dr Tan Cheng Bock’s party. With recent accusations of impropriety levelled against the party and its leadership, the goodwill is rapidly depleting.

Dr Tan left PAP because of his conviction that PAP had lost its way. However, if a PSP whistleblower Firdaus Abdul Samad is to be believed, it appears that PSP has also “lost its way”.

The expose from Firdaus was damning on the PSP’s lack of respect for transparency and equality.

In the General Elections (GE2020) just passed, the party’s Assistant Secretary-General, Leong Mun Wai, tried to allay fears concerning generating income generation for its expansive proposed social policies by merely telling Singaporeans that they will not spend if there’s not a need to do so. These words have come back to haunt Leong.

According to Firdaus, there is a disconnect between what is communicated to the party members and how the leaders of the party are behaving. While members are apparently repeatedly told that the party needed to raise more funds due to the 6-figure deficit accrued from expenses in GE2020, the party leaders themselves are purportedly cavorting and gallivanting at the Singapore Island Country Club (SICC). These leaders, Firdaus explained, are some of the most trusted by Dr Tan, Yuen included.

Has the PSP leaders lost their way and forgot about the backbone of their party – the volunteers and the members who put them on the pedestal through the party’s formation and contestation of GE2020? It seems that they are themselves guilty of being disconnected and arrogant and have lost touch with their ground.

While party members do their utmost for the party, the leaders are enjoying themselves in a separate bubble at the comfort of a golf course. These leaders are out of touch to the struggles of party members and Singaporeans trying keep afloat in the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic.

A related accusation was the lack of transparency in the origins of the party’s funds. Firdaus questioned if the party had received foreign funding, noting that the party had recently met a New Zealand diplomat.

Firdaus also felt that the party was racist by pointing to the lack of minority-race key appointment holders in the Central Executive Committee (CEC). He also charged that the party did not act on an alleged sexual harassment against a party member. This was purportedly due to the accused friendship with the leaders.

There is much to ponder from Firdaus accusations against the party. Whatever the outcome from this, one can’t help but conclude that the veneer of perfection has dimmed. Dr Tan has plenty of reflection to do.

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