Female Food Delivery Rider Gets Beaten Up By Fellow Food Delivery Rider for Saying “Oei” to Him After He Nearly Knocked Her Down

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A female food delivery rider who was nearly knocked down by a fellow male food delivery rider, responded with a “oei” sound, and gets savagely beaten up instead.

This incident happened yesterday (14th Jun), at around 7pm, at Block 36 Chai Chee Avenue.

The victim, 47-year-old Madam Sim, said that she was on her way to make a food delivery nearby, when a fellow male food delivery rider on a electric bicycle approached her at high speed, and nearly knocked her down.

Madam Sim reacted by saying “oei” to the male food delivery rider, warning him he had nearly caused an accident, and went on to make her food delivery. However, Madam Sim later saw that the male food delivery rider had been waiting for her at the void deck.

The male food delivery rider then confronted Madam Sim, and asked why she said “oei” to him. But before Madam Sim could answer, the male food delivery rider started throwing punches at her face.

According to Madam Sim, the man threw a total of five punches to her head, before leaving. After recovering from the shock, Madam Sim made a police report.

The police are currently investigating the incident.

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