Insider Source: Luxury Goods Scammer Couple Likely Now in Thailand, Cheated More Than $50 Million From Victims

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According to MSM reports, the young couple involved in scamming over $32 million from around 200 people for promised luxury goods, have since MIA after police reports were made against them.

While the passports of the Singapore-Thai couple have been impounded by the police, the couple reportedly went missing since last week and became uncontactable.

Insider information from a former business partner of the young couple who operated Tradenation and Tradeluxury, suggests that the Bonnie and Clyde duo is likely be in Thailand now evading the Singapore authorities.

The former business partner says that the amount of scams the couple named Kelvin and Ann, has been involved in has been severely under-reported. According to him, the couple has successfully scammed about $50 million from their victims, including the former business partner himself.

The former business partner said that Kelvin came by to pick up a shipment of luxury watches one day, and promised to make payment the next day (as per their usual practice), but both Kelvin and his Thai wife Ann suddenly became uncontactable.

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