Malaysian Man Berates Singapore, Calls it a Boring Island That Makes You Stupid, Tells Malaysians to Purposely Crash into Singapore Registered Cars

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While we like to think of our neighbours up north as friendly and amicable, there will always be Malaysians who just outright hate us for who we are.

Sharing on the Complaint Singapore Facebook group, Ron Hag shared a Facebook post made by a “Encik Farizi”, who said this in (translated from Malay):

” I am never impress with Singapore. My father got bored being a Singaporean. Turn turn inside that island(Singapore) the brain cannot developed.. just like a prison.. those ppl come to Malaysia drive car like stupid .. best if see Singapore plate just bang them”

According to Encik Farizi’s Facebook, he appears to be a service technician and operates his own company now selling water dispensers.

It is not known what vendetta or score this particular Encik Farizi has against Singaporeans. But it is clear that some Malaysians like him, do not really like Singaporeans, for no particular reason.

For Singaporeans driving into Malaysia frequently, please be careful of lunatics such as Encik Farizi.

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