Fight Breaks Out Between Uncle and Auntie at Boon Lay Coffeeshop on Christmas Eve, Passerby Steps in to Defuse Situation

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A fight broke out between an elderly man and a woman at a coffeeshop on Christmas Eve. A video of the incident was shared by Raven Qiu on the Complaint Singapore Facebook group.

It was gathered that the fight broke out on Christmas Eve, at around 10pm, at a coffeeshop located at Block 211 Boon Lay Place. At the start of the video, a woman could be seen trying to snatch an umbrella from an elderly man seated at a table.

After a furious exchange of vulgarities, it was inferred that the woman is accusing the old man of hitting her or disturbing her with the umbrella, which the old man deathly refuses to admit. After a few minutes into the tussle, another elderly man stepped in, and tried to defuse the situation by asking the elderly man not to hit the lady.

It was then that the woman left hurriedly, followed by the elderly man who tried to stop the fight. The exact cause of the fight remains unknown.

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