Driver Gets Nasty Written Note to Remove Her Car, After She Parks on a Public Road in Landed Estate

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A driver who parked her car in a landed estate, got a nasty shock, when she got a note demanding that he remove her vehicle from the area immediately as she is not a resident in the area.

According to the female driver, she parked her vehicle last month (between 29th Jan to 1 Feb), in the Lorong Chuan landed enclave. She was retrieving her car in the evening, when she saw a note placed on her car, which said “You Don’t Belong this neighbourhood. Please remove your car”.

Reporters who investigated the area, found that the female driver did not violate any traffic rules, as the road that she parked at, was a public road, without solid lines in the middle, or double yellow lines at the side.

The female driver explained that during the period she was staying temporarily with her mother-in-law who lived nearby, and it was more convenient for her to park at the Lorong Chuan area, as she did not need to pay for season parking. She added that she double checked that she did not violate any traffic rules, and that she was not causing any obstruction, before parking her car at the area.

A resident living in the landed estate said that, the residents there are mostly friendly people. But the resident also said that there were many non-residents who park their cars indiscriminately, blocking the road for the residents there. This was probably why the female driver got the “notice”.

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