Newly Opened Chatuchak Night Market Becomes Floating Thai Market After Three Consecutive Days of Heavy Rain

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Barely a week after its grand opening, the Chatukchak Night Market located at The Grandstand, old Turf Club, is now looking more like the floating markets you will see in the Mekong delta river.

Chatuchak Night Market Singapore officially opened on 7th Feb to much fanfare, with people visiting from all over Singapore. The once deserted Grandstand, is now flooded with thousands of people. Many of the food stalls had long snaking queues, full of people eagerly waiting for up to three hours, just to have a taste of a Pad Thai or Thai milk tea.

Due to the persistent heavy rainfall over the last three days, the night market is now looking more like a floating market. With parts of the market in ankle deep water, patrons and visitors to the market continued to flood the market.

Speaking to reporters, Charlene (18-years-old) student, said that she has been coming to the night market everyday since it opened, and will continue to visit until they close.

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