M Ravi Accuses New Best Friend Lee Suet Fern and her Husband Lee Hsien Yang of Corruption, Now Calls Lee Suet Fern a Fake Acquaintance

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Barely two months ago on 11th September, human rights activist and lawyer M Ravi posted on his Facebook that he had a wonderful lunch with Lee Suet Fern, where he praised her for being a kind soul and called her a great friend.

However, M Ravi appears to have a radical change of opinion about Lee Suet Fern, when he posted on his Facebook today (4th Nov) about a lunch he had with Lee Suet Fern, Lee Hsien Yang, Lim Tean, and Terry Xu.

In his Facebook post, M Ravi accused both Lee Suet Fern and her husband Lee Hsien Yang of participating in the abuse of power and cronyism in the Lee Dynasty. M Ravi said that Lee Suet Fern’s law firm would have benefited from Lee Kuan Yew’s network, while her husband Lee Hsien Yang has held top positions in the SAF, Starhub (should be Singtel), and CAAS. M Ravi also said that Lee Suet Fern and Lee Hsien Yang should come clean about the total assets they own, which was estimated to be around $600 million according to fellow lawyer and human rights activist Eugene Thuraisingam.

M Ravi also mentioned that Eugene Thuraisingam was once berated by Lee Suet Fern for doing low paying capital cases when he was working in her law firm. Lee Suet Fern had reportedly told Eugene Thuraisingam:

“You join those Chinatown lawyers if you want to bill so low”.

M Ravi ended the post by saying that while he ended the lunch with dignity, he now prefers to eat at home rather than being treated to a meal with seemingly ill gotten gains, and that one should not believe in fake smiles and fake acquaintances.

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