Woman Ends up with Botched Up Eyebrow After Embroidery Session at Lucky Plaza Beauty Salon

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A woman visited a unisex salon for eyebrow embroidery, and ended up with a thick, dark, and uneven eyebrow at the end of the session.

Kelly, a Vietnamese living in Singapore visited Hairbulous Unisex Salon, located at Lucky Plaza Shopping Centre to have her eyebrows embroidered.

Posting about her ordeal on Facebook, Kelly complained of unprofessional service throughout the session. For example, her make-up wasn’t removed prior to the procedure, and the beautician did not use a ruler to measure the balance of both eyebrows.

In addition, the beautician also did not allow Kelly to look at the mirror to check on the progress, claiming that she needed to wait till the whole procedure was completed before she could look.

Immediately after the procedure was completed, Kelly noticed something amiss. The colour of her eyebrow was too dark and the shape far too thick than she had requested.

While the beautician assured Kelly that the colour will lighten after a few hours, Kelly noticed that the colour did not change even after two weeks. After texting the beautician, Kelly was told that she needed to wait 1 month for the colour to lighten.

In the midst of all this, Kelly’s eyebrows also became infected, and she needed to see a doctor to get medication to treat the inflamed skin around the eyebrows.

But Kelly says that the worst part of all, is that her eyebrows is now asymmetrical and too close to her facial midline (eyebrows embroidered too close together). She added that she now needs 10 sessions of laser treatment by a dermatologist in order to remove her botched up eyebrow embroidery.

She warns other to avoid this shop at Luck Plaza at all costs.

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