11 Year Old Boy Steals Over $4000 to Buy Mobile Top Up Gift Cards for his Mobile Games
With the Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) drawing near, most parents would be expecting their children to be studying hard for the best grades.
However, instead of studying hard for the PSLE, one 11-year-old boy was working hard at something else. 43-year-old Madam Wong who runs a hair salon, said that her 11-year-old son has been stealing money to fund his mobile gaming addiction.
Madam Wong became suspicious when her 11-year-old son stopped asking her for pocket money, and decided to check his school bag. To her surprise, she found $58 inside his wallet, an unusually large amount for her son to have, even with the pocket money she has given him.
Upon questioning, her 11-year-old son admitted to stealing money from her for the last 3 months. The boy said that he had used the money to mostly buy mobile gift cards from 7-11, to top up his mobile gaming account. Apart from that, he had also used the money on several occasions to treat his friends to big meals.
Such incidences are not uncommon, as mobile gaming which require a significant amount of funds, can quickly become addictive. Some of the suggested actions that parents can take, is to limit the time the child has with the mobile device, or only letting them use it while supervised.
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