Uncle and Auntie Get into Fight Over Tissue Selling Territory Outside Guan Yin Temple, Police Called to the Scene

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According to sources, several police officers were seen questioning an auntie and a uncle outside the Guan Yin temple at Waterloo Street.

It was later gathered that the two got into a fight over “territory” matters. According to the auntie, Madam Wee (60-years-old), she has been selling tissue at the same spot outside the temple for over 8 years.

She explained that one day, two months ago, an old man in crutches suddenly decided to take her spot, setting up his tissue stall right behind her.

Madam Wee added that, whenever there were customers at her stall, the old man would start touting for business. Madam Wee also claimed that the old man would often curse and swear at her if the customers did not buy from him.

On the other hand, when reporters spoke to the old man in crutches, he claimed that the dispute on that day started because he knocked into Madam Wee’s umbrella when he opened his umbrella. He also said that Madam Wee would often curse at him.

The dispute that day ended, when police officers arrived to take statements from both parties.

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