Lau Pa Sat Cheers Employee Who Accused SPF Officers of Being Thugs, A SPF Hater Plotting to Embarrass the Singapore Police?

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Jonathan, a cashier who was working as a cashier at the Cheers’ outlet at Lau Pa Sat, was recently involved in a dispute with a drunk customer, when he was working on New Year’s Day (1st Jan 2023).

Long story short, Jonathan decided to call the police, after attempts to placate the customer were unsuccessful. However, when SPF officers arrived at the scene, Jonathan ended up refusing to cooperate, and even accused them of behaving like thugs.

To make his point, Jonathan even filmed the entire incident he had with the SPF officers, and uploaded it on his TikTok account @confederateginger.

Throughout the video, the SPF officers who attended to the scene, were calm and professional, and repeatedly asked for Jonathan to cooperate and show his ID for verification. This is a common procedure by the Police when attending to cases.

Upon closer inspection of Jonathan’s TikTok account, it would seem that he has a penchant for collecting, uploading and spreading sometimes fake and negative news about the SPF.

In many of his videos, Jonathan mocks the SPF for their incompetence.

To top it off, this Jonathan also appears to be very proud of the fact that he is unvaccinated, and potentially spreading COVID around for the past three years.

Could this Jonathan have been plotting to put the SPF officers in a bad light, in the Lau Pa Sat incident? This would make perfect sense, as he could have literally orchestrated the whole incident, behave uncooperatively, and ultimately put the SPF officers in very bad light.


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