TOC Rejects Demand by Elderly Woman’s Son to Apologise for Misjudgement in Uploading Interview Video

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A 85-year old elderly woman became the highlight on social media in May this year, when she was involved in a video made by TOC, which alleged that she was bullied by SPF officers for not wearing her mask in public.

On 7th July, the son of the elderly woman sent a lawyer’s letter through lawyer Anand Nalachandran of Forte Law LLC, demanding an apology from TOC, for sharing the video of the elderly woman’s alleged bullying by the SPF, and for uploading a interview video of the elderly woman.

However, TOC had responded through their lawyer Lim Tean of Carson Law Chambers, that they will not be apologising, as the interview with the elderly woman was conducted in “a fair and appropriate manner”.

The legal letter sent by Lim Tean to the elderly woman’s son, responded with the following points:

  • TOC claimed that a palliative care professional was present during the interview, and that this palliative care professional was left completely in-charge of the whole interview process.
  • The elderly woman’s identity was protected throughout the interview, as her face had been blurred out in the video.
  • During the interview with the elderly woman, both the palliative care professional and TOC staff present did not perceive the elderly woman as having any problems recalling the incident with the SPF officers on 17th May.
  • It was in fact the SPF’s public statement that described the elderly woman as having dementia, and that the SPF was responsible for any negative reactions from the public regarding this incident.
  • The elderly woman and her son should go after the SPF if they feel that they have suffered any harm arising from this incident.
  • TOC absolutely refutes the accusation by the Minister of Home Affairs and Law Mr K Shanmugam, that TOC had misled the elderly woman into saying certain things, and for twisting the facts of the incident.

According to the elderly woman’s son, TOC was believed to have conducted the interview with his elderly mother on 24th May, without first informing the elderly woman’s family members.

To recap, Terry Xu did not bother to even apologise to the SPF for wrongly accusing them of bullying the elderly woman, when the truth was established that the SPF officers had bought food for the elderly woman and tried to help her.

And now, instead of apologising to the elderly woman and her son, for the harm they have caused by Terry Xu’s “judgement lapse”, Terry Xu choses to push the blame to the SPF for any harm suffered by the elderly woman.

Screwing up people’s lives for the sake of increasing viewership on his TOC website, and pushing the blame to others when the truth comes out? Terry Xu has even now employed the services of Lim Tean, a lawyer who managed to almost get himself into bankruptcy after facing legal claims of over $1.4 million.

Just how much lower and more despicable can Terry Xu be?

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